It is a pure term assurance plan with only benefits payable on death. Nothing is payable on maturity. It actually works like income protection as well as income replacement plan. The policy can be taken by any person between the ages of 18 years to 65 years for the term of 10 years to 45 years with minimum risk cover as Rs. 25 lakhs. It is having unique feature of Increasing death sum assured every year after completion of 5th policy year.


At a very low premium, you can secure your life at higher risk cover. Cost as low as your daily tea/coffee expenses. Ensure a risk cover starting from Rs. 25,00,000/-


On higher Sum Assured discount is offered on premium. If Sum Assured is more than Rs.500000/- then discount is given on premium and lower premium rates applied. 


In case of untimely demise due to an accident, an additional sum equal to basic sum assured will be given. By paying small extra premium amount, you can secure your life for high insurance protection on accidental death by opting Accident Benefit.


Avail Tax benefit on Premium Paid
Tension Free Claim Settlement
Eligibility Criteria:
Entry At Age18 Years (Last Birthday)65 Years (Last Birthday)
Term10 Years40 Years
Sum Assured25,00,000No Limit
Mode of PaymentYearly, Half-Yearly, Single

The Basic Sum Assured shall be in multiples of:

1,00,000/-, if Basic Sum Assured for the policy is 25,00,000/- to 40,00,000/-

10,00,000/-, if Basic Sum Assured for the policy is above 40,00,000/-


Premium Payment Option:

Regular Premium:           Same as Policy Term

Limited Premium:           (Policy Term – 5) for Term 10 Years to 40 Years
                                        (Policy Term – 10) for Term 15 Years to 40 Years                                                                                                          

Death Benefits:

For Regular and Limited Premium Payment Policies

  • 7 times of Annualized Premium


  • 105% of Total Premiums paid till the date of death


  • Absolute Amount Assured to be paid on death


For Single Premium Payment Policies

  • 125% of Single Premium


  • Absolute Amount Assured to be paid on death


Absolute Amount assured to be paid on death shall depend on Death Benefit Option chosen at the time of taking this policy and is as under:

Option I:Level Sum Assured
Absolute amount assured to be paid on death shall be an amount equal to Basic Sum Assured, which shall remain the same throughout the policy term.


Option II:Increasing Sum Assured
Absolute amount assured to be paid on death shall remain equal to Basic Sum Assured till completion of fifth policy year. Thereafter, it increases by 10% of Basic Sum Assured each year from the sixth policy year till fifteenth policy year till it becomes twice the Basic Sum Assured.

This increase will continue under an inforce policy till the end of policy term; or till the Date of Death; or till the fifteenth policy year, whichever is earlier.

From sixteenth policy year and onwards, the Absolute amount assured to be paid on death remains constant i.e. twice the Basic Sum Assured till the policy term ends.